Linux Hardware Support |
Debian GNU/Linux device driver check page - This database verifies the PCI devices at this time (X drivers, ISA, USB, IEEE1394 or any other devices are out of its focus). Paste your result of 'lspci -n' taken from GNU/Linux OS (such as Debian, Knoppix, RedHat, and so on) to the box, then push 'Check' button.
DebianOn - is an effort to document how to install, configure and use Debian on some specific hardware. Therefore potential buyers would know if that hardware is supported and owner would know how get the best out of that hardware.
openSUSE Hardware Compatibility List - The following pages are used by the openSUSE community to record the compatibility of various hardware and full systems with SUSE Linux. Please share your experience by adding your hardware, especially if you had some issue that you overcame.
Mandriva Hardware Compatibility List - lists the hardware compatibility for many netbooks, desktops, laptops, server and more.
Red Hat Hardware Catalog - Database containing certified hardware for Red Hat products.
UbuntuUsers Hardwaredatenbank - Auf dieser Seite soll eine Hardwaredatenbank fuer Ubuntu Linux entstehen. Sie koennen hier unter Ubuntu Linux verwendete (neuere) Hardware hinzufuegen, welche gut laeuft.
Mepis Linux Hardware Database - Hardware Knowledge Database about Mepis Linux.
Zenwalk Linux Hardware Database & Hardware Related Help - Here you can find hints or guides on how to utilize or optimize the use of certain hardware.
LinuxQuestions.org HCL - This is the Linux Hardware Compatibility List from LinuxQuestions.org.
Linux Hardware Compatibility HOWTO - This document attempts to list most of the hardware known to be either supported or unsupported under Linux.
Linux Hardware Components - The manufacturers and distributors listed on this site sell hardware and peripherals that are Linux-friendly. If you're looking for drivers or need to know if your hardware is supported, this is a good place to find out.
LinuxCompatible.org Compatibility List - This is a user submitted compatibility database for hardware running under GNU/Linux.
FSF Hardware Database - Free Software Foundation's listing of hardware that supports free software.
Linux-Hardware.org - Die Linux Hardware Datenbank soll Usern einen Ueberblick verschaffen, welche Hardware von welcher Distribution unterstuezt wird. Sie ist so angelegt, dass sie problemlos fuer alle Distributionen genutzt und von Usern ergaenzt werden kann.
Hardware4linux.info - is a web site to lookup and report hardware compatibility and incompatibility with Linux distributions. The idea is to collaboratively rate which hardware is working or not working under Linux distributions.
Linux Support for HP PC's - This page provides an overview of Linux support for HP PC's and peripeherals. Don't base purchasing decisions on the information provided here. This site's main goal is to provide information for people already owning an HP PC.
Tuxhardware.de - (TU)X-beliebige Hardware. Tuxhardware.de ist ein Online- Shop in Deutschland der Produkte mit LINUX- Eignung anbietet. Hier finden Sie u.a. auch Installationsanleitungen, Tipps & Tricks und Links zu Treibern.
Unix printer compatiblity database listing - The OpenPrinting printer database contains a wealth of information about specific printers, along with extensive driver information, basic specifications, and an associated set of configuration tools. You can just go straight to a particular printer, or you can list all printers from a given manufacturer.
Gutenprint Supported Printers - Gutenprint, formerly called Gimp-Print, offers high quality drivers for Canon, Epson, Lexmark, Sony, Olympus, and PCL printers for use with Ghostscript, CUPS, Foomatic, and the Gimp.
TurboPrint 2 - Supported Printers - This is the list of TurboPrint Supported Printers. It includes almost every Canon, Epson & HP and many Brother printers. TurboPrint makes it possible to use the latest color printers with Linux. It is designed to produce maximum quality photo prints as well as high-speed text documents. Printer set-up and configuration is as simple as on Windows or MacOS. TurboPrint is a high-quality printer driver system for Linux built on existing standards (lpr or CUPS printer spooler, ghostscript interpreter for Postscript) thus achieving easy integration and maximum compatibility with existing applications. TurboPrint 2 offers new functions and additional programs.
Von TurboPrint 2 unterstuetzte Drucker - TurboPrint ermoeglicht den Einsatz moderner Farbdrucker unter Linux. Mit TurboPrint erzielen Sie sowohl die bestmoegliche Druckqualitaet bei fotorealistischen Ausdrucken, als auch eine schnelle Ausgabe von Text-Dokumenten. Drucker-Einrichtung und Konfiguration sind durch grafische Menues genauso einfach wie in MS Windows. TurboPrint unterstuetzt fast alle Canon, Epson & HP und viele Brother Drucker. TurboPrint 2 bietet eine Fuelle an neuen Funktionen und Zusatzprogrammen! Das Drucksystem ist nun weit komfortabler zu bedienen - und auch die Druckqualitaet wurde weiter optimiert.
SANE: Supported Devices - shows if your scanner is supported and if yes, by which backend. If it's not supported, it may at least point to documentation or test programs. The search engine contains information from the latest stable SANE release, the development ("CVS") version of SANE and from external backends. The database is updated once per day.
VueScan: Supported Scanners - is a continuously upgraded list of VueScan supported scanners. VueScan supports more than 500 different scanners, and these are organized by vendor name. VueScan is a scanning utility that works with most high- quality flatbed and film scanners to produce scans that have excellent color fidelity and color balance. A free trial version is available.
Digital Camera Support for UNIX, Linux and BSD - trys to explain how to find out if your camera may work or not under a UNIX system. This site includes a table summarize for digital cameras, how they are supported under UNIX operating systems.
Supported Cameras in gPhoto - On this page, you find a list of the supported camera models of the current release of gPhoto (=digital camera software applications for Unix-like systems. gPhoto2 is a free, redistributable, ready to use set of digital camera software applications for Unix-like systems). Support for additional cameras may be in the current libgphoto2 SVN trunk code. They will be added to the next release. If your camera is neither supported in the current release nor in current SVN trunk, it is possible that it is an old camera for which the original gPhoto driver has not been ported yet (mostly due to lack of demand) or it is a new camera for which there is no support at all.
Working Webcams with PWC - This is a web-based collaboration area for the next generation Philips Web Camera Linux Kernel Module. On this page, you find a list of the supported Webcams.
ALSA Soundcard Matrix - ALSA ("Advanced Linux Sound Architecture") supported audio- cards or chipsets. ALSA provides audio and MIDI functionality to the Linux operating system.
OSS Sound Card List - OSS supported audio- cards or chipsets. This list is not 100% complete. There are dozens of sound cards that are based on some standard sound chips (or motherboard chipset) made by vendors like Intel, VIA, Cirrus/Crystal, Analog Devices, Realtek, Yamaha, C'Media, Trident, Sigmatel and many others. Such cards may not be listed in the following list but they are still supported.
Motherboard List - Openbenchmarking.org's easy shopping list for Motherboards. Pricing information is also integrated into the lists.
Graphics Card List - Openbenchmarking.org's easy shopping list for graphics Card. Pricing information is also integrated into the lists.
Driver Status for XFree86 4.3.0 - provides information about the status of the driver and hardware support in XFree86 4.3.0 compared with that in XFree86 3.3.6.
LinuxTV - Supported Hardware (ATSC, DVB-C, DVB-S, DVB-T devices) - This page is intended to help the "end user" determine whether the device they own, or one that they are considering purchasing, is supported or not under Linux. Before purchasing a DVB device, you should check whether it is listed as supported within the appropriate section of the wiki.
Linux USB Device overview - Audio, Modems, Joysticks, Hub devices, Keyboards, Mouse, Cameras, Mass Storage, Multi- functional devices, Printer, Scanner, UPS, Networking, USB-to-Serial converter, Video, Vendor specific devices that don't fall under a certain category.
Linux-IDE.org - Support and information about IDE & RAID- Controller. This page offers a list of companies that have support for ATA-33, ATA-66, ATA-100, ATA-133 chipset, SATA 1.0 and Native "PURE HARDWARE ATA RAID" support in Linux.
Serial ATA (SATA) chipsets - Linux support status - Serial ATA (also known as S-ATA or SATA) chipsets are rapidly replacing legacy "parallel ATA" (PATA, i.e., regular ATA/133) chipsets.
WLAN Karten/Chipsaetze - bietet einen Ueberblick ueber (fast) alle Wireless Funkkarten sowie eine zusaetzliche Liste der Chipsaetze.
Linux wireless LAN support - is an attempt to create a, more or less complete listing of wireless devices with information about the chipset they are based on and whether or not they are supported in Linux.
802.11g Client Adapters - offers a list with 802.11g Client Adapters, their chipsets, available drivers and much more infos.
Hardware supported by MadWifi - This page (and its sub-pages) lists hardware that has been reported to be based on one of Atheros' chipsets. Usually these reports also contain comments on whether the device in question is supported by MadWifi.
Laptop Manufacturers - Linux Status - This is an overview of more than 150 laptop and notebook manufacturers and their current Linux support status. Besides Linux also other UniXes are mentioned and some hints about laptops with other CPUs than from Intel are included. The survey will be updated constantly.
Linux on Laptops - is an index of information and documentation of interest to those who now use or are considering using Linux on a laptop.
PCMCIA/CF Card Survey - TuxMobil's Linux Hardware Compatibility List for PCMCIA/PC-Card/CF-Card and CardBus cards sorted by Manufacturer. You may find as well some tips and tricks to get PCMCIA/CF/CardBus cards to work with your Linux laptop, notebook or PDA.
Linux Status of Mobile Hardware - Here are Hardware Compatibility Lists - HCLs for Linux with hardware and accessories used in laptops, notebooks, PDAs, mobile phones. Hardware like internal modems, miniPCI cards, IrDA ports, Bluetooth and wireless connectivity. Also portable scanners and printers, mobile CD and DVD writers and much more is covered.
Linux with PDAs and Handheld PCs - You want to use Linux or another UniX with your PDA or handheld computer? Here are links to usage documentation about Linux with different PDAs. You may find documentation about non-Linux PDAs as well as dedicated Linux PDAs (like the Agenda VR3, the SHARP Zaurus and the Samsung Yopy).
Linux and Mobile (Cellular, Smart) Phones - You want to use Linux or another UniX with your mobile (cellular) phone? Here are links to usage documentation about Linux with different mobile phones. You may find documentation about non-Linux phones as well as dedicated Linux phones.
comp.os.linux.hardware - Description: "Hardware compatibility with the Linux operating system". Search the Usenet archiv of the Newsgroup comp.os.linux.hardware for helpful information with hardware problems and drivers. And at least if you can not find a solution there in the archiv, I recommend to post your question yourself with your favored newsreader.
de.comp.os.unix.linux.hardware - Diese Usenet/News Gruppe dient der Diskussion von Fragen zur Kompatibilitaet und Einbindung gewisser Hardwarekomponenten in eine Linux-Installation auf den verschiedenen Rechnerplattformen, fuer die Linux verfuegbar ist. Das Usenet ist wohl die Anlaufstelle bei speziellen Fragen zu Hardware mit Linux, wenn in den Weiten des WWW bisher keine Loesung gefunden werden konnte. FAQ der Gruppen der de.comp.os.unix.linux Hierarchie (dcoul).
Linux & Laptops: |
Laptop Manufacturers - Linux Status - This is an overview of more than 150 laptop and notebook manufacturers and their current Linux support status. Besides Linux also other UniXes are mentioned and some hints about laptops with other CPUs than from Intel are included. The survey will be updated constantly.
Linux on Laptops - is an index of information and documentation of interest to those who now use or are considering using Linux on a laptop.
ThinkWiki - is the Wiki Web for ThinkPad users. Here you find anything you need to install your favourite Linux distribution on your ThinkPad.
VaioWiki - is the Wiki Web for Sony VAIO users. Here you find anything you need to install your favourite Linux distribution on your VAIO notebook.
Linux with PDAs and Handheld PCs - You want to use Linux or another UniX with your PDA or handheld computer? Here are links to usage documentation about Linux with different PDAs. You may find documentation about non-Linux PDAs as well as dedicated Linux PDAs (like the Agenda VR3, the SHARP Zaurus and the Samsung Yopy).
Linux and Mobile (Cellular, Smart) Phones - You want to use Linux or another UniX with your mobile (cellular) phone? Here are links to usage documentation about Linux with different mobile phones. You may find documentation about non-Linux phones as well as dedicated Linux phones.
Linux Status of Mobile Hardware - Here are Hardware Compatibility Lists - HCLs for Linux with hardware and accessories used in laptops, notebooks, PDAs, mobile phones. Hardware like internal modems, miniPCI cards, IrDA ports, Bluetooth and wireless connectivity. Also portable scanners and printers, mobile CD and DVD writers and much more is covered.
PCMCIA/CF Card Survey - TuxMobil's Linux Hardware Compatibility List for PCMCIA/PC-Card/CF-Card and CardBus cards sorted by Manufacturer. You may find as well some tips and tricks to get PCMCIA/CF/CardBus cards to work with your Linux laptop, notebook or PDA.
The Linux pcmcia-cs Package - The Linux pcmcia-cs package is officially deprecated. It can only be used with 2.4 and older kernels. Current information on PCMCIA support for recent 2.6 kernels is available here.
LaptopKernel - is a patchset for the linux kernel containing several useful patches for laptop-users. It contains acpi, software suspend, supermount and some hardware compatibility patches. Look at the latest news-announcement for a complete list of patches.
Linux Laptops - Linux laptop computers pre-installed and fully supported. LinuxCertified laptops go through a rigorous certification process to provide you with the best mobile Linux experience.
Xtops.de - Laptops, Notebooks und PDAs mit vorinstalliertem Linux. Alle Laptops werden mit einem vorinstallierten Debian/GNU Linux ausgeliefert. Gegen Aufpreis auch mit SuSE Linux.
Multiple Drivers |
DriverGuide - Offers a huge searchable database of drivers, manufacturer information, and links. Includes resources for Windows, Mac, UNIX/LINUX, and other platforms. Here's a Partial List of Linux/Unix Drivers by Manufacturer. You have to log in to Driverguide for a Complete List.
Multimedia4Linux - Infosite fuer TV- und Framegrabber- Cards, Audio Driver, DVD Driver ... Sehr umfangreiche deutschsprachige Seite.
Sound Cards & Drivers - is a list of resources. The links there are sorted by the following categories:
- Primary Resources, Cards & Chipsets
- Laptop Configurations
- PC Speaker
- Serial Port MIDI
- USB Audio/MIDI
- Various
Treiberupdate.de - bietet neben DOS, Windows, Novel, Mac und OS/2 Treibern auch eine sehr umfangreiche Linux Sektion an. Zusaetzlich finden Sie hier noch Foren, wie u.a auch ein Treiber Forum fuer Linux/Unix.
comp.os.linux.hardware - Description: "Hardware compatibility with the Linux operating system". Search the Usenet archiv of the Newsgroup comp.os.linux.hardware for helpful information with hardware problems and drivers. And at least if you can not find a solution there in the archiv, I recommend to post your question yourself with your favored newsreader.
de.comp.os.unix.linux.hardware - Diese Usenet/News Gruppe dient der Diskussion von Fragen zur Kompatibilitaet und Einbindung gewisser Hardwarekomponenten in eine Linux-Installation auf den verschiedenen Rechnerplattformen, fuer die Linux verfuegbar ist. Das Usenet ist wohl die Anlaufstelle bei speziellen Fragen zu Hardware mit Linux, wenn in den Weiten des WWW bisher keine Loesung gefunden werden konnte. FAQ der Gruppen der de.comp.os.unix.linux Hierarchie (dcoul).
Display, Video, TV & DVD |
X.Org - The X.Org Foundation provides an open source implementation of the X Window System. The development work is being done as part of the freedesktop.org community.
XFree86 - is the underlying software that is between the hardware and graphical user interface (aka gui) that people see and use. If you are using KDE, GNOME, Enlightenment, Blackbox, AfterStep, twm or fvwm then you are already using and running XFree86 as these run as our clients.
DRI - The Direct Rendering Infrastructure, also known as the DRI, is a framework for allowing direct access to graphics hardware in a safe and efficient manner. It includes changes to the X server, to several client libraries, and to the kernel. The first major use for the DRI is to create fast OpenGL implementations. The DRI is an integral part of XFree86 4.x , and integrates with Mesa, an open source implementation of the OpenGL API. Several 3D accelerated drivers have been written to the DRI specification, including drivers for chipsets produced by ATI, Matrox, 3DFX, and Intel.
The Y Window System - is intended as a successor for the X Window System. The current implementation is very basic, the development is just at the beginning.
Xi Graphics - has been developing and licensing high- performance commercial graphics driver software and X servers, mostly for the UNIX and Linux market.
DirectFB - is a thin library that provides hardware graphics acceleration, input device handling and abstraction, integrated windowing system with support for translucent windows and multiple display layers on top of the Linux Framebuffer Device. It is a complete hardware abstraction layer with software fallbacks for every graphics operation that is not supported by the underlying hardware. DirectFB adds graphical power to embedded systems and sets a new standard for graphics under Linux.
Voodoo graphics / Voodoo2 fb driver - This is a frame buffer driver for linux kernel 2.2.x and 2.4.x for 3dfx's 1st an 2nd generation of 3D "only" graphic boards, namely the voodoo graphics, aka SST and the voodoo2, aka CVG.
Matrox Graphics Driver - Matrox Graphics provides an intuitive driver download wizard to ensure a fast and easy download experience.
TV-out on the Matrox G450 - This page intends to help people get TV-out working on their Matrox G450/G550 video cards using Petr Vandrovec's matroxfb driver.
matroxfb driver - This is the matroxfb driver site (including patch for tv-out) from Petr Vandrovec.
Nvidia Linux-Drivers - provide optimized hardware acceleration of OpenGL applications via a direct-rendering X Server and support nearly all NVIDIA graphics chips. Also available: drivers for the nForce chipset (These packages have support for Ethernet networking and basic ACI audio. USB and IDE hardware will work with standard Linux drivers. There is no win modem support.).
Debian & NvidiaGraphicsDrivers - This document explains how to make use of NVIDIA video hardware for Debian GNU/Linux users, who are the primary target. The first section shortly describes the free drivers while the rest of the document covers the non-free but 3D-accelerated drivers.
nouveau : Open Source 3D acceleration for nVidia cards - This is the homepage of nouveau, a project which aims at producing Open Source 3D drivers for nVidia cards.
Utah-GLX - a hardware accelerated implementation of OpenGL & the GLX protocol. Supported Hardware: XFree4 status: NVIDIA Riva / TNT / GeForce, ATI, RagePro, Matrox G200 / G400 series. XFree3 list: Matrox MGA-G200, MGA-G400, Intel i810, NVIDIA Riva series, SiS 6326, S3 / Diamond ViRGE and Savage3D.
YanC - ("Yet another nV Configurator") is a small tool, which you can use to change the nVidia-specific settings. The new release of YanC, a rewrite of the program logic in Java, additionally supports ATI cards. You can use it to change the nVidia and ATI-specific settings in the X Configuration file (almost) as easily as with the Windows-drivers.
AMD Graphics Drivers & Software - AMD's official drivers download page.
Gatos project - provides enhanced drivers for many videocards made by ATI (in particular All-in-Wonder series) and a TV player/recorder application AVview.
Installing and Using ATI All in Wonder Cards - is a quick and dirty guide for installing and running the GATOS ATI drivers and related video applications for Linux. These instructions were written for the newer Radeon cards, but older cards using, for instance, the Rage 128 chipsets should also work correctly although you will need to make some adjustments.
ATI Radeon - Driver for ATI Radeon based video chips. Please check radeonTV for information about TV out support.
radeonhd - this is the Driver for AMD GPG r5xx/r6xx Chipsets. The radeonhd driver, or xf86-video-radeonhd is an X.org video driver for R500 and newer ATI graphics devices. It is being developed by Novell for AMD, with the free documentation provided by AMD.
SiS Download Center & SiS Linux FAQ.
SiS/XGI graphics chipsets and X.org/XFree86/Linux - Want a X.org/XFree86 driver for your Silicon Integrated Systems (SiS) or XGI Volari (some desktop and server models only) graphics card? This site offers detailed information, a download section and installation instructions for your SiS graphics card. Additionally, a Linux kernel framebuffer driver for some SiS and XGI graphics cards is available here as well. This driver is meant for more advanced users as its installation requires some knowledge about kernel configuration and compilation. Supported SiS/XGI graphics chips and video bridges: There are currently five groups of SiS graphics controllers:
- The old series (SiS 5597/5598, 6326/AGP/DVD, 530, 620),
- the 300 series (SiS 300/305, 540, 630/S/ST, 730/S),
- the 315 series (SiS 315/E/PRO, 550, M650, 651, 740, M661FMGX, M741GX),
- the 330 series (SiS 330 "Xabre", M760GX, M761GX), and
- the 340 series (XGI V3XT, V5, V8, Z7; SiS342).
Installing any driver downloaded from this website does not mean installing some sort of "third party" software. The author is, in fact, the author and maintainer of both the official X.org and XFree86 SiS/XGI driver as well as the Linux kernel's SiS/XGI framebuffer driver.
Wildcat Graphics Support Information - this is the "Find a Driver" page for 3DLabs Semiconductor products. They offer drivers for Red Hat, SUSE and Novell Linux.
The Unichrome Project - The Unichrome Project provides Free and Open Source support for the S3 Unichrome family of integrated graphics devices, as found on all recent VIA Technologies Northbridges. The Unichrome devices currently known are (in chronological order):
- VT3122: Originally named CastleRock, this device is part of the VIA CLE266 northbridge.
- VT7205: This was the first use of the name Unichrome. Found on KM400, KM400A, KN400 and recently P4M800.
- VT3108: The Unichrome Pro, later renamed Unichrome Pro B. Found on K8M800 and K8N800.
- VT3118: Unichrome Pro A. Found on CN400 and PM800, PM880 and PN800.
- VT3344: Another Unichrome Pro, but VIA realised there was no letter before the A. Part of P4M800Pro and VN800.
- VT3157: Unichrome Pro with built-in TV encoder. Part of the still unreleased CX700.
Sadly, support for VT3108, VT3118, VT3344 and VT3157 ranges from limited to non-existant.
openChrome - openChrome is a project for the development of free and Open Source video driver for the VIA/S3G UniChrome and UniChrome Pro graphics chipsets (CLE266, KN400, KM400, K8M800, PM800, CN400, VN800). This is a continued development of the open source unichrome driver which also incorporates support for the unichrome-pro chipsets. Support for hardware acceleration (XvMC) for all chipsets has subsequently been ripped out of the unichrome.sf.net driver. Therefore your only option if you wish to make use of the acceleration features of your VIA chip with free and open-source drivers is to use this version of the driver.
VIA Arena - Drivers Section - This pages offer display driver on boards with VIA chipsets.
VIA Linux Portal - aims to expand cooperation with open source communities by providing drivers, key documentation and source code for select Linux distributions to technical software developers. Users seeking driver downloads should first check with their Linux distribution vendor or system manufacturer for driver package availability.
Permedia - latest GGI-drivers for the Permedia family of 3D graphics accelerators from 3Dlabs. Supported Cards: Leadtek, WinFast3D, L2200, L2300, ELSA, Winner 2000/Office.
Linux Graphics Drivers from Intel - Free software drivers for the Intel 965 Express Chipset family graphics controller. These drivers include support for 2D and 3D graphics features for the newest generation Intel graphics architecture. This release represents the start of a long term effort by Intel to work with the X.org and Mesa communities to continuously improve and enhance the drivers. While these drivers represent significant work at both Tungsten Graphics and Intel, as their first release of this code, they're still in need of significant testing, tuning and bug fixing before they'll be ready for production use. They're releasing them now to demonstrate their ongoing commitment to providing free software drivers for Intel hardware.
915Resolution: Intel Video BIOS Hack - 915resolution is a tool to modify the video BIOS of the 800 and 900 series Intel graphics chipsets. This includes the 845G, 855G, and 865G chipsets, as well as 915G, 915GM, and 945G chipsets. This modification is neccessary to allow the display of certain graphics resolutions for an Xorg or XFree86 graphics server.
Monitor resolution approximator - This calculator is used to get the information of the approximate resolutions you can run on a computer monitor where you know some of the technical specifications. The idea of this calculator is to get the idea to which your monitor is capable of and then try to use nearest "standard" resolution you can find.
Video Timing Calculator - is a Screen timing calculator and configuration file generator for the Xfree86 modeline. Both tools are parts of the VGA to workstation monitor FAQ from Tomi Engdahl.
The XFree86 Modeline Generator - "Create the mode that's just right for you".
Linux DXR3 and Hollywood Plus Driver Project - This project is an attempt to provide the Linux community with kernel drivers for two hugely popular DVD playback cards, namely the DXR3 from Creative Labs and the Hollywood Plus from Sigma Designs. The project has also expanded to encompass writing plugins for three of the more popular Linux dvd programs, MPlayer, LiViD's OMS and Xine.
LinuxTV - The LinuxTV project develops and maintains the DVB driver subsystem which is included in the Linux 2.6.x kernel. The Linux kernel and the LinuxTV CVS include a fair number of drivers for commonly available PCI cards and USB devices, but the DVB subsystem core is also targeted towards Linux based set-top-boxes.
Lifetec 9415 TV Card - This patch applies to Linux 2.2.18. Linux 2.4.x works out-of-the-box.
xawtv - is a small suite of video4linux related software, with video recording capabilities and serveral useful command line tools.
Hauppauge WinTV PVR Linux Driver - This page is dedicated to the creation of a Linux driver for the hauppauge WinTV PVR Linux driver. The Hauppauge WinTV PVR is an MPEG2 capture card, based on the kfir1 chip.
Pinnacle Studio PCTV - This little document helps you to get your tv-card running under Linux. It gives detailled information about the Pinnacle Studio PCTV Rave. You will also find a bash-script that helps you to find the right configuration for any card.
Pinnacle/Miro DC30 - The supplied source files are the result of rapid prototyping, derived from the BTTV driver, most of the names, strings and comments are left unchanged.
Saa7134 devices (saa713x) - This is a v4l2/OSS device driver for saa7130/34 based capture / TV boards. Driver releases are available for download right here. Note that the saa7134 driver also is included in the 2.6.x kernels.
Audio |
ALSA-Project - The "Advanced Linux Sound Architecture" provides audio and MIDI functionality to Linux. ALSA has the following significant features: 1. Efficient support for all types of audio interfaces, from consumer soundcards to professional multichannel audio interfaces. 2. Fully modularized sound drivers. 3. SMP and thread-safe design. 4. User space library (alsa-lib) to simplify application programming and provide higher level functionality. 5. Support for the older OSS API, providing binary compatibility for most OSS programs. ALSA is released under the GPL (GNU General Public license) and the LGPL (GNU Lesser General Public License).
ALSA Soundcard Matrix - ALSA supported audio-cards or chipsets.
Open Sound System - OSS is a set of device drivers that provide a uniform API across all the major UNIX architectures. It supports Sound Blaster or Windows Sound System compatible sound cards which can be plugged into any UNIX workstation supporting the ISA or PCI bus architecture. OSS also supports workstations with on-board digital audio hardware.
OSS Sound Card List - OSS supported audio- cards or chipsets.
Creative Soundcard Support - This website contains information on Creative Soundcard Support.
Creative Download Page - Creative's "Find A Driver" Page.
The Linux Ultra Sound Project - this project is based on Jaroslav Kysela's low-level driver for the Gravis UltraSound cards. Currently supported cards:
- Gravis UltraSound
- Gravis UltraSound 16-bit Daughter Board
- Gravis UltraSound ACE
- Gravis UltraSound Extreme
- Gravis UltraSound Plug & Play
- Dynasonic 3-D
- ... and all other InterWave (tm) based cards ...
Sound Cards & Drivers - is a list of resources. The links there are sorted by the following categories:
- Primary Resources, Cards & Chipsets
- Laptop Configurations
- PC Speaker
- Serial Port MIDI
- USB Audio/MIDI
- Various.
SiS Linux FAQ & SiS Download Center.
Linux Aureal Driver - "We hack on the aureal drivers for vortex to make it more stable and usable".
sam9407 - This package includes a device driver, a command line utility for uploading firmware files and adjusting sam9407 control parameters, a X11 control panel, documentation and various utilities. It should give you support for a number of sam9407 based soundcards under Linux 2.0, 2.2 and 2.4. The device driver has been tested on the ix86 and DEC alpha CPU architectures only.
The following soundcards are supported:
- Hoontech ST128 Gold & Ruby
- Hoontech Soundtrack Digital Audio (partly)
- Guillemot Maxi Sound Home Studio Pro 64, Home studio 2, Dynamic 3D
- Terratec EWS64 S/L/XL.
The following firmware API's are supported:
- Terratec EWS64 (ews64_os.bin)
- Hoontech (hoon4d)
- Guillemot (g0-9*v0-9*.bin)
- Home Studio Recording (homstdr.bin)
VIA Arena - Drivers Section - This pages offer drivers for boards with VIA chipsets.
VIA Linux Portal - aims to expand cooperation with open source communities by providing drivers, key documentation and source code for select Linux distributions to technical software developers. Users seeking driver downloads should first check with their Linux distribution vendor or system manufacturer for driver package availability.
Linux nForce Driver - This page contains drivers and documentation for the nForce chipset. The chipset includes hardware support for IDE disk control, Ethernet networking, audio support, win modem support, and a USB controller. These packages have support for Ethernet networking and basic ACI audio. USB and IDE hardware will work with standard Linux drivers. There is no win modem support.
Bluetooth-alsa - Bluetooth audio for Linux. This project aims to make bluetooth headsets of all types work well with Linux computers, from a standard desktop to a limited embedded device. The most common use of bluetooth audio is to make a wireless connection to a cellphone. The advanced audio distribution profile, A2DP, provides the basis for high-fidelity audio.
Network & Internet |
Linux Network Drivers - is the primary site for information on and updates to the Linux Ethernet device drivers.
3Com Linux drivers.
Intel Drivers Download site.
SiS Linux FAQ & SiS Download Center.
Linux nForce Driver - This page contains drivers and documentation for the nForce chipset. The chipset includes hardware support for IDE disk control, Ethernet networking, audio support, win modem support, and a USB controller. These packages have support for Ethernet networking and basic ACI audio. USB and IDE hardware will work with standard Linux drivers. There is no win modem support.
VIA Arena - Drivers Section - This pages offer drivers for boards with VIA chipsets.
VIA Linux Portal - aims to expand cooperation with open source communities by providing drivers, key documentation and source code for select Linux distributions to technical software developers. Users seeking driver downloads should first check with their Linux distribution vendor or system manufacturer for driver package availability.
Vodafone Mobile Connect Card Driver for Linux - is a software suite for the mobile 3G datacard which works on multiple distributions of the Linux Operating System. Besides managing connections with different technologies like GPRS, UMTS, and HSDPA, this application supports receiving and sending SMS, access to contacts and offers diagnostic information for troubleshooting. The application is free to download and distribute. The software is open sourced technology from a project initiated by Vodafone Group R&D.
WiMAX Drivers for Linux - WiMAX is the next generation broadband wireless technology, based on IEEE 802.16e standards. The project currently supports the generic WiMAX stack user space and kernel space components and the Intel WiMAX devices eg. Intel WiMAX/WiFi Link 5050 (Codename: Echo Peak). It includes: driver, network service, and test configuration utility.
WLAN Karten/Chipsaetze - bietet einen Ueberblick ueber (fast) alle Wireless Funkkarten sowie eine zusaetzliche Liste der Chipsaetze.
Linux wireless LAN support - is an attempt to create a, more or less complete listing of wireless devices with information about the chipset they are based on and whether or not they are supported in Linux.
Linux Wireless LAN Howto - is an Open Source project sponsored by Hewlett Packard, and built with the contribution of many Linux users all over the world.
LinuxWireless - LinuxWiki.org - bietet umfangreiche deutschsprachige Informationen und Links zum Thema Linux und Wireless LAN.
How to Configure Wireless on Any Linux Desktop - If you are a mobile Linux user one of the first things you need to do is to connect that mobile device to a wireless access point. By default, the standard Wi-Fi tools for the Linux desktops are straight-forward and reliable. That of course presumes you are using the standard desktops (GNOME or KDE). But what happens when you opt for a different desktop such as E17 or Fluxbox? Or what if the "default" standards aren't flexible enough or feature-rich enough for your needs. In those instances you need to take a look at a different toolset for connecting you to a wireless access point.
Atmel AT76C5XXx-based Wireless Devices - is the home of the OpenSource Linux Driver for Atmel AT76C5XXx-based Wireless Device (for PCCard, PCI and USB).
Atmel AT76C502/3/5A based wireless USB devices - This website offers another driver for the Atmel AT76C503A based USB WLAN adapters.
Linux 802.11 Aironet driver - Development and support of the Cisco/Aironet 802.11 cards for Linux (Aironet ARLAN 4500, 4800, Cisco 340 and Cisco 350 series).
Sitecom WL-011 PCMCIA card - tells where you can download the driver and how to install it. The Sitecom WL-011 PCMCIA card uses an ATMEL chipset.
Host AP driver for Intersil Prism2/2.5/3, hostapd, and WPA Supplicant - This project includes three main components:
- Host AP - Linux driver for wireless LAN cards based on Intersil's Prism2/2.5/3 chipset
- hostapd - user space daemon for access points, including, e.g., IEEE 802.1X/WPA/EAP Authenticator for number of Linux and BSD drivers, RADIUS client, integrated EAP server, and RADIUS authentication server
- wpa_supplicant user space IEEE 802.1X/WPA supplicant (wireless client) for number of Linux, BSD, and Windows drivers
The Prism54 Project - p54 is a completely FOSS (Free Open Source Software) wireless driver for Intersil's Prism54 chips series. supported chips:
- ISL3877, ISL3880, ISL3890 and ISL3886 (miniPCI)
- ISL3886 + net2280 (USB, 1st generation)
- ISL3887 (USB, 2nd generation)
GPL driver for the Wavelan IEEE/Orinoco - The Linux Wavelan IEEE driver is an Open Source project that had many contributors through its turbulent life sponsored by Hewlett Packard. There are three drivers supporting the same Wavelan IEEE hardware. One is the new MPL/GPL driver, called orinoco_cs. One is the old GPL driver, called wvlan_cs. The last one is based on a binary library and supported by Lucent, called wavelan2_cs.
Rt2x00 Open Source Project - This project is a development effort to create a stable and feature rich Linux driver for wireless 802.11b and 802.11g cards that are based on the Ralink rt2400 and rt2500 chipsets.
OpenLink community - provides open, comprehensive access to Texas Instruments' connectivity technology drivers. As a one-stop-shop for resources, support, product information and more, this community provides a centralized location to make connectivity-related designs more efficient, timely and distinctive.
Broadcom 43xx Linux Driver - is a Linux driver for the Broadcom bcm43xx wireless chips. Broadcom never released details about these chips. So this driver is based upon reverse engineered specifications. This driver was included into the Linux kernel since 2.6.17-rc2. Another branch of this driver, based on the Devicescape 802.11 Stack, which should be the future in Linux wireless support and which supports advanced capabilities (namely, full WPA support), can be found in the wireless-dev tree.
3Com/No Wires Needed 802.11b Linux drivers - Linux drivers for the No Wires Needed Swallow 550 and 1100, the 11 Mbps Wireless LAN PC Card, and the 3Com 3CRWE62092A Wireless LAN PC Cards.
Linux Drivers for Intel Wireless Products - Intel Production Drivers:
- Intel WiMAX/WiFi Link 5350
- Intel WiMAX/WiFi Link 5150
- Intel WiFi Link 5300
- Intel WiFi Link 5100
- Intel Wireless WiFi Link 4965AGN
- Intel PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection
- Intel PRO/Wireless 2200BG Network Connection
- Intel PRO/Wireless 2915ABG Network Connection
- Intel PRO/Wireless 2100 Network Connection
Development work continues on the driver through the open source project. Driver source code and firmware binaries are provided for download.
Centrino Wireless Drivers - This project was created by Intel to enable support for the Intel PRO/Wireless 2100 & the Intel PRO/Wireless 2200BG Network Connection mini PCI adapter.
Intel PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Driver - This project was created by Intel to enable support for the Intel PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection adapter. This project (IPW3945) is intended to be a community effort as much as is possible.
ACX100 / ACX111 wireless network driver - Open Source Linux driver for wireless network cards (DWL-G520+ PCI, DWL-G650+ CardBus, GL-2422MP mini-PCI, DWL-120+ USB etc.) which use the entirely undocumented TI ACX100/ ACX111 chips, for 2.4.x to 2.6.x kernels.
SMC 2632W V.2 Wireless PCMCIA Card - This is a HOWTO for getting the SMC 2632w V2 Wireless PCMCIA Card working on GNU/Linux.
Linksys WLAN Card - This is the most simple way to get the Linksys wireless network card to work with debian. This document is based on the Linksys WMP54G wifi 54Mb/s card, but these instructions will work for the other Linksys 802.11a 802.11b and 802.11G cards too.
MadWifi - "Multiband ATHEROS Driver for Wifi". This is the Open Source project site for MadWifi - a Linux kernel device driver for Wireless LAN chipsets from Atheros. There they host the code repository, bug tracking system, documentation and support information.
Hardware supported by MadWifi - This page (and its sub-pages) lists hardware that has been reported to be based on one of Atheros' chipsets. Usually these reports also contain comments on whether the device in question is supported by MadWifi.
NdisWrapper - Some vendors do not release specifications of the hardware or provide a Linux driver for their wireless network cards. This project implements Windows kernel API and NDIS (Network Driver Interface Specification) API within Linux kernel. A Windows driver for wireless network card is then linked to this implementation so that the driver runs natively, as though it is in Windows, without binary emulation. With ndiswrapper, virtually every miniPCI (builtin), PCI, PCMCIA (Cardbus only) or USB wireless network card works in Linux. Although ndiswrapper is intended for wireless network cards, other devices are known to work: e.g., USB to serial port device, ethernet card, home phone network device etc.
DriverLoader - is a commercial compatibility- wrapper allowing standard Windows NDIS drivers shipped by hardware vendors to be used as-is on Linux systems. WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy with 64, 128, or 256-bit keys) and state-of-the-art WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access) security with AES or TKIP encryption are supported. IEEE 802.1x authentication is also supported with xsupplicant. Chipsets from the following manufacturers are supported:
- Atheros
- Broadcom (AirForce 54g, on both x86 and 64-bit x86_64 systems)
- Cisco (Aironet)
- Intel (PRO/Wireless 2100, 2100A, 2200BG - Centrino)
- Conexant/GlobespanVirata/Intersil (Prism GT/Duette/Indigo)
- Marvell (Libertas)
- Realtek (RTL8180L)
- Texas Instruments (ACX100, ACX111/TNETW1130)
- ZyDAS (ZD1211)
These chipsets are used in many Notebook or Desktop adapter products by Acer, Actiontec, Asus, Belkin, Blitzz, Buffalo/MELCO, Cisco, D-Link, Dell, eMachines, Fujitsu, Gateway, HP/Compaq, IBM, Linksys, Microsoft, Motorola, NETGEAR, SMC, SONY, Toshiba, U.S. Robotics, Z-Com, ZyXEL, and many others.
Linux Zydas 1201 (Sweex LC100020) Driver - This project is focused in distributing a Linux driver for the ZyDAS 1201 based USB 802.11b Network adapters. Such as the Sweex LC100020 sold by Sweex Essentials and others. Originaly sweex distributed a linux driver for its Wireless(802.11) USB adapters, but suddenly they retired their linux drivers from their support site, and according to their technical support linux was no longer supported for that product. The driver was a modification on the linux-wlan-ng driver developed by AbsoluteValue Systems.is a driver for the Zydas 1201 based USB 802.11b Network adaptars.
Bluetooth and Linux - BlueZ drivers and software for:
- Nokia Bluetooth Card DTL-1
- Anycom Bluetooth cards
- 3Com Bluetooth PCMCIA card
- Bluetooth cards with BCSP interface
- Bluetooth cards with UART interface
- OX16C950 UART Bluetooth cards
- AVM BlueFRITZ! USB Bluetooth driver for Linux
On this site you'll find many Bluetooth HOWTOs and information too.
BlueFritz! - (not only) Linux drivers for AVM's BlueFritz! products.
Bluetooth-alsa Project - This project provides a way to use a bluetooth headset with Linux. They do this currently by making an alsa kernel driver which uses bluez to reach the headset. It works well enough now to get voice-quality audio to and from most headsets. They've had success with:
- BlueTrek 1, G2
- Bluetake iPhono BT420 (using either sco or a2dp)
- Canyon CN-BTH1 (must click headset's volume-up button after each connection)
- Ericsson HBH-60, HBH-35
- Ericsson HBH-PV700 (headset may go silent after a few minutes)
- iTech Clip r35, black (this set has an mp3 decoder and avrcp! It's now my favorite combo set)
- iTech Clip S (using either sco or a2dp)
- Jabra BT110, BT130, BT200, BT250
- Jabra Mega BT (use -r option to reconnect rfcomm channel whenever it's lost)
- LevelOne BLH-1000 (occasional noisy connections)
- Logitech HS01 (has a noisy microphone?)
- Logitech Mobile F-0179A, Mobile F-0228A, HS04
- Motorola H350
- Motorola HS801 (volume must be changed from headset?)
- Motorola HS805 (had to uncomment "auth enable" in /etc/bluetooth/hcid.conf and restart first)
- Motorola HS810/HS850 (may work "better" if you manually specify the handsfree channel, 8)
- Motorola HT820 (for both sco and stereo; sound crackles a bit)
- Nokia HDW-2, HDW-3, hs-11w, HS-56W
- Plantronics M2500, M3000, Pulsar 590a (a2play)
- Siemens HHB-600
- Southwing Neo-507
They currently don't have any code to make the connection to an audio gateway (typically a cellphone). There's a project associated with asterisk and a standalone app for using a cellphone.
Linux Winmodem Support - The FIRST step towards finding a Linux driver is identifying the modem's CHIPSET. A scanModem tool will help you. The chipset will be recognized and cogent updated knowledge and URLs written out. Modems from a single manufacturer can have different chips. For PCI card modems, a database can be searched.
Linmodem-HOWTO - This document describes Linmodem (winmodem hardware) support under Linux. While such support is limited (almost exclusively in the form of manufacturer-created, but unsupported, binary kernel modules), the number of chipsets with some form of support is growing rapidly.
LTModem Diagnostic Tool - The current functionality is: Finds a Lucent PCI winmodem and reports information on this, goes offhook and detects the dial tone, dials using pulses or dtmf. Detects the answer tone of the phone at the other end, or busy tone if it is engaged. Picks up incomming calls. Command line mode allows control of modem interactively or via a script file.
Conexan modem chipsets - drivers for Conexant HCF and HSF PCI chipsets, which are used by many modem and computer system manufacturers.
CLModem PPP Driver - CLModem is a driver for the CL-MD5620DT Winmodem chip set by Ambient Tech that supports PPP.
SpeedTouch USB ADSL Modem - is the homepage for the Open-Source linux kernel module for the Speed Touch USB ADSL modem from Alcatel's modem branch, now part of Thomson Multimedia. There are two main ways to get the Speedtouch USB modem working on Linux. You can use the kernel drivers or the user space tools. Although the two approaches have a lot in common there are also significant differences. These pages are focussed on providing information about how to get the kernel drivers working.
Speedtouch USB driver homepage - This site gives the status of a GPL driver project for the ADSL SpeedTouch USB modem originally manufactured by Alcatel (the Alcatel's modem branch is now part of Thomson Multimedia). This driver is for Linux and *BSD operating systems.
3Com ADSL Modem USB - Development of a driver and utilities to use 3Com ADSL Modem USB.
DSL Chipsets - is a Linux DSL Wiki page listing all DSL chipsets/drivers.
Zyxel 630-11 ADSL USB Modem - Zyxel 630-11, 630-13 (ADSL USB Modem with Alcatel chipset) Linux driver.
ECI HiFocus ADSL USB - ECI HiFocus ADSL USB and Globespan based modems Linux driver.
Asus AAM6000UG ADSL USB Modem - Asus ADSL USB Modem with Alcatel chipset Linux driver.
Allied Data Copperjet 800 Linux Drivers - ADSL Modem with Texas Instruments chipset.
AT-AR 215 USB-ADSL-Modem - provides open source LINUX drivers for the ADSL-USB-Modem "AT-AR 215" by Allied Telesyn.
AVM - ADSL - Linux drivers for AVM's FRITZ!Card DSL. Those who use a Linux distribution other than SuSE can compile this driver locally.
PPPoE - Roaring Penguin's PPPoE Software. PPPoE (Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet) is a protocol used by many ADSL Internet Service Providers. Roaring Penguin has a free PPPoE client for Linux and Solaris systems to connect to PPPoE service providers. Dubbed RP-PPPoE, this open-source product is ideal for Linux users with a DSL "modem" whose Internet service provider uses PPPoE.
ISDN 4 Linux - here you can get latest Utility packages.
Gigaset ISDN Driver - The aim of this project is the development of Linux device drivers and user space programs for the Siemens Gigaset 307x ISDN DECT base (and successors). The drivers connect the base to the Linux system, either through a direct USB connection or through one of the DECT data devices M101 (serial) or M105 (USB). They provide integration with the Linux ISDN subsystem for making ISDN connections through the base, as well as character devices for direct access to its AT command interface. User space programs provide access to the device configuration, journal log, and additional features like SMS.
mtG-CAPRI Server - Mit Hilfe des mtG-CAPRI Servers machen Sie die Funktionen der ISDN-Karte mit CAPI fuer alle im Netzwerk vorhandenen Client-PC mit Windows verfuegbar. Diese koennen dann auf die ISDN-Karte so zugreifen, als haetten sie selbst eine eingebaut. Also quasi so eine Art KEN!-Server mit Linux.
mtG-CAPRI - Virtual ISDN-Interface. The virtual Capri is available in a 2-channel version for free download. The four and more channel version can be purchased based on a price model for the number of B channels used.
CAPI 4 Linux, CAPI 4 Hylafax and Patches (url1) - contains the CAPI2.0 driver for linux and usefull information and tools for capi4linux.
CAPI 4 Linux, CAPI 4 Hylafax and Patches (url2) - contains the CAPI2.0 driver for linux and usefull information and tools for capi4linux.
AVM Linux Service-Portal - "Service, Infos & Download fuer alle Linux-Anwender". Hier finden Sie neueste Treiber, Tools, Programme, Updates, Entwicklerwerkzeuge, News, Tipps, FAQs sowie Informationen zu saemtlichen AVM-Produkten.
ISDN Fritz PCI 2.0 unter Debian - Diese Anleitung beschreibt, wie eine AVM Fritz PCI 2.0 ISDN Karte unter Debian unter Verwendung von CAPI4Linux in Betrieb genommen werden kann. Angewandt wurde diese Vorgehensweise unter Woody (Debian 3.0) mit Kernel 2.4.18 sowie Sarge mit Kernel 2.4.20.
AVM - ISDN, ADSL & Bluetooth - Linux drivers for AVM's products (FRITZ!Cards, Fritz!Box, BlueFRITZ!, ...).
Teledat USB 2 a/b und baugleiche Modelle (AVM Fritz!X USB und Fritz!X PC v2/v3, 1&1 NetXXL) - beschaeftigt sich mit dem Projekt die Teledat USB 2 a/b Telefonanlage unter Linux vollstaendig lauffaehig zu machen. Zum Groszteil sind die Informationen, mit kleinen Einschraenkungen, auch auf baugleiche Modelle zu übertragen.
Printer & Scanner |
Unix printer compatiblity database listing - The OpenPrinting printer database contains a wealth of information about specific printers, along with extensive driver information, basic specifications, and an associated set of configuration tools. You can just go straight to a particular printer, or you can list all printers from a given manufacturer.
OpenPrinting database - All Drivers - is OpenPrinting's list of printer drivers for Linux and Unix.
LPRng - is an enhanced, extended, and portable implementation of the Berkeley LPR print spooler functionality. While providing the same interface and meeting RFC1179 requirements, the implementation is completely new and provides support for many features.
CUPS - The Common Unix Printing System or CUPS is the software you use to print from applications like the web browser you are using to read this page. It converts the page descriptions produced by your application (put a paragraph here, draw a line there, and so forth) into something your printer can understand and then sends the information to the printer for printing. Now, since every printer manufacturer does things differently, printing can be very complicated. CUPS does its best to hide this from you and your application so that you can concentrate on printing and less on how to print.
X Printing Panel (xpp) - is a completely free (under GPL) tool for easy choosing of the desired printer out of a list of all available printers and for setting printer options by an easy-to-use graphical user interface.
Apsfilter - is the number one magic filter for printing under Unix environment. Apsfilter runs on all flavours of Unix which have at least the original BSD compatible lpd(8) or LPRng installed as line printer scheduler.
Gutenprint - (formerly called Gimp-Print) is a package of high quality printer drivers for Linux, BSD, Solaris, IRIX, and other UNIX-alike operating systems. In many cases, these drivers rival or exceed the OEM drivers in quality and functionality. The goal is to produce the highest possible output quality from all supported printers. To that end, the Gutenprint developers have done extensive work on screening algorithms, color generation, and printer feature utilization. They are continuing their work in all of these areas to produce ever higher quality results, particularly on the ubiquitous, inexpensive inkjet printers that are nonetheless capable of nearly photographic output quality.
Ghostscript, Ghostview and GSview - Home Page for Ghostscript, an interpreter for the PostScript language and for PDF, and related software and documentation.
XWtools - are designed to provide a better quality and to enable more comfortable printing of images under Unix systems. Printers from different companies may be used (HP, EPSON, Canon).
HP Linux Imaging and Printing (HPLIP) - HPLIP is an Hewlett-Packard developed solution for printing, scanning, and faxing with HP inkjet and laser based printers in Linux. Chances are, your Linux system already has the HPLIP software installed. That's because all major Linux distributions regularly pick up the HPLIP software and include it with their distribution installation. However, if it is not installed or you need to upgrade to a newer HPLIP version to support your printer, you've come to the right place. On this website you can download the HPLIP softrware which supports 1,686 HP printers on nearly any Linux distribution available today. You can also find answers to many of your questions within the new knowledge base, or post a question on the Get Help page when you can't find the answer directly.
Brother Linux Driver Homepage - Brother is now developing drivers which are designed to work on Linux distributions, Red Hat, Mandriva (Mandrake), SuSE, Debian, Fedora Core, MIRACLE LINUX and Turbolinux. They have developed two types of driver: LPR drivers and CUPS drivers.
Epson drivers - "Avasys Download Service for Linux". Here you'll find drivers for some Epson Inkjet Printers, Laser Printers and Scanners.
Canon Software Center - Canon Software for: Printers, Large Format Printers, Multifunctionals, Office Print & Copy Solutions, Professional Print & Copy Solutions, Scanners, Personal Copiers, Camcorders, Cameras, Document Imaging Systems.
Canon Printer Linux Drivers - Canon's japanese download site (by the way: Pixus = Pixma).
Canon Printer Linux Drivers - FTP Directory.
Canon Bubble Jet Print Filter - This drivers page is part of the original Japanese Canon website. It seems, that the Canon Linux drivers are available only there.
TurboPrint - offers new functions and additional programs. TurboPrint makes it possible to use the latest color printers with Linux. It is designed to produce maximum quality photo prints as well as high-speed text documents. Printer set-up and configuration is as simple as on Windows or MacOS. TurboPrint is a high-quality printer driver system for Linux built on existing standards (lpr or CUPS printer spooler, ghostscript interpreter for Postscript) thus achieving easy integration and maximum compatibility with existing applications. Includes drivers for almost every Canon, Epson & HP and many Brother printers (see supported printers).
TurboPrint - bietet eine Fuelle an neuen Funktionen und Zusatzprogrammen! Das Drucksystem ist nun weit komfortabler zu bedienen - und auch die Druckqualitaet wurde weiter optimiert. TurboPrint ermoeglicht den Einsatz moderner Farbdrucker unter Linux. Mit TurboPrint erzielen Sie sowohl die bestmoegliche Druckqualitaet bei fotorealistischen Ausdrucken, als auch eine schnelle Ausgabe von Text-Dokumenten. Drucker-Einrichtung und Konfiguration sind durch grafische Menues genauso einfach wie in MS Windows. TurboPrint unterstuetzt fast alle Canon, Epson & HP und viele Brother Drucker (siehe unterstuetzte Drucker)
Libinklevel - Libinklevel is a library for checking the ink level of your printer on a system which runs Linux. It supports printers attached via parallel port or usb. The current stable version supports printers from HP, from Epson and from Canon.
Ink - Ink is a command line tool for checking the ink level of your printer on a system which runs Linux. It makes use of libinklevel.
Primera Technology - the world's leading developer and manufacturer of CD, DVD, and Blu-ray Disc duplication and printing equipment, announced its support of Linux printing on its Disc Publisher II, Disc Publisher Pro, Disc Publisher XR and Disc Publisher XRP.
SANE - stands for "ScannerAccessNowEasy" and is an application programming interface (API) that provides standardized access to any raster image scanner hardware (flatbed scanner, hand- held scanner, video- and still- cameras, frame- grabbers, etc.). The SANE API is public domain and its discussion and development is open to everybody. The current source code is written for UNIX (including GNU/Linux) and is available under the GNU General Public License (the SANE API is available to proprietary applications and backends as well, however).
VueScan - is a scanning utility that works with most high- quality flatbed and film scanners to produce scans that have excellent color fidelity and color balance. A free trial version is available.
Linux Drivers for Handheld Scanners - This is a list of drivers for hand scanners available for Linux.
Brother Linux Scanner Driver Homepage - Brother is now developing drivers which are designed to work on Linux distributions, Red Hat, Mandriva (Mandrake), SuSE, Debian, Fedora Core, MIRACLE LINUX and Turbolinux.
USB & Webcams |
Linux USB Project - This web site was created to serve as a central point of information for USB support under Linux. The information on this web site mostly revolves around the kernel USB stack originally coded by Linus:
- Kernel USB stack (aka Linus' Alternative USB stack)
This stack was originally developed by Linus Torvalds as an alternative USB stack for Linux. Since his original announcement, many other people have submitted patches to fix various bugs and add support for other features.
Linux and USB 2.0 - This is a short writeup explaining what USB 2.0 changed and what's going on with it in Linux. It starts by talking about user visible changes (including usbfs information) followed by driver-visible ones. Finally it summarizes the current state of Linux USB 2.0 driver support in recent 2.4 and 2.6 kernels.
SourceForge - Linux USB Project - This project's purpose is to provide and enhance USB support in Linux. This repository will be used to store Linux-USB developer source files.
Linux USB Device - This is an alphabetical driver overview for USB Hardware.
USB Project - USB Development for Linux. This site offers downloads, links and the "Programming Guide for Linux USB Device Drivers".
Linux UVC driver and tools - is the USB Video Class Linux device driver home. The goal of this project is to provide all necessary software components to fully support UVC compliant devices in Linux. This include a V4L2 kernel device driver and patches for user-space tools. The UVC specification covers webcams, digital camcorders, analog video converters, analog and digital television tuners, and still-image cameras that support video streaming for both video input and output.
QuickCam Team - is a repository for all sorts of information related to webcams. The focus is on providing support for open source platforms, mainly for developers and power users. That doesn't mean, however, that everybody else isn't welcome.
Logitech webcams - In this section you can find various lists related to Logitech webcam devices that will help you identify particular models and what features they support. The lists are divided into UVC and non-UVC webcams. Most of their newer webcams are UVC compatible, so that section is the best one to get started.
Creative Open Source - This website contains information on where to find Linux drivers for a variety of Creative Webcams:
- CardCam / CardCam Value
- Digital Still Camera DC-3000Z & DC-3200Z
- Game Star
- Live! Cam
- PC-Cam 300/350/600/750/880/900
- Video Blaster WebCams (USB and parallel)
- Webcam III
- Webcam 5 (with Philips chip)
- Webcam Creative Live!
- Webcam Go / Webcam Go Plus / Webcam Go Mini
- Webcam Instant
- Webcam Mobile (zc030x chipset)
- Webcam Mobile PD1190
- Webcam NX/Webcam NX Pro
- Webcam NX Pro 2/NX Pro 2 PD1131
- Webcam Notebook PD1170/PD1171
- Webcam NX Ultra
- Webcam PD1001 (with EP800 chipset)
- Webcam PD1001 (with OV518 chipset)
- Webcam Plus (CT6840)
- Webcam Pro (PD1030)
- Webcam Pro Ex
- Webcam Vista VF0010 / Vista PD1100 / Vista PD1120
3Com HomeConnect Digital / ViCam USB Driver - is a project to develop a free driver for the 3Com HomeConnect USB (3CO3C886) webcam.
CPiA webcam driver - The CPiA webcam driver for Linux provides a Video4Linux interface to many of the early cheap webcams that used the CPiA chip, and to the Intel QX3/QX3+ USB microscopes. Both parallel port and USB webcams are supported. The CPiA chip is no longer in production, and these webcams are no longer sold in stores, but can still be found on sites like eBay, etc. Supported Webcams:
- Aiptek HyperVcam Fun USB (some use the OV511!)
- Creative Video Blaster WebCam II
- Digicom Galileo USB
- Dynalink Digital Camera
- Ezonics EZCam (Not Pro or Plus)
- Intel Play QX3 Microscope
- Microtek EyeStar
- Pace Colour Video Camera
- SuperCam WonderEye
- TCE Netcam 310 USB
- Terracam USB(Not Pro) - Note: some of these use OV511 not CPiA chips
- Trust SpaceC@m Lite
- Utobia USB Camera
- ZoomCam
Parallel port:
- Creative Video Blaster WebCam II
- CVideo-Mail Express
- CU-SeeMe Cam Kit
- Digicom Galileo Plus
- ZoomCam
Spca5xx, Et61xx51, Zr364xx WebCams Driver - Spca500, Spca501, Spca504, Spca505, Spca506, Spca508, Spca533, Spca536, Spca551, Spca561, Et61x151, Et61x251, Zc0301, Zc0301P, Zc0302, Sn9c101, Sn9c102, Sn9c102p, Sn9c105, Sn9c120, Cx11646, Tv_8532, Pac207-BCA. Here you will find "experimental" drivers about various Usb Camera Chips (at the moment, manufacturers of usb bridge and camera sensor did not help. Therefore, this driver is the result of reverse engineering the protocols and functionality provided by these chips). Support for Chips: Sunplus, Z-star/ Vimicro, Sonix, Etoms, Conexant, Zoran, IcMedia/ TransVision, Pixart. Here's a list of Known Webcams.
Linux QuickCam USB Web Camera Driver Project - This site hosts the Linux driver for the QuickCam Express and other QuickCam-related and QuickCam-compatible USB web cameras. The original work was done by Georg Acher and was known as qce-ga; Jean-Frederic Clere took that driver and created the first Video4Linux (V4L) driver, enabling popular V4L applications such as Xawtv to display pictures from the webcam. Since then, a group of developers around the world have evolved the driver into its current state, adding support for new cameras and chipsets as they have become available. In the process, the driver became known as qc-usb to reflect the fact that it supports a wide variety of USB-attached QuickCam cameras, not just the QuickCam Express. Supported Webcams:
The qc-usb driver is known to work with the following webcams:
- Dexxa Webcam
- Labtec Webcam (old model)
- LegoCam
- Logitech QuickCam Express (old model)
- Logitech QuickCam Notebook (some models)
- Logitech QuickCam Web
Generally, any USB camera with a USB vendor ID of 0x46d and a USB product ID of 0x840, 0x850, or 0x870 (so, 0x46d:0x840, for example), should work. You can see the USB ID using operating system utilities such as lsusb in Linux.
WebCam under Linux - This document is about using a webcam "Logitech QuickCam Pro 4000" on both Debian (Sarge) and SuSE Linux. The camera can be used with the driver "pwc" for Philips webcams.
Open source driver for Kinect - The drivers allow access to the Kinect's audio, video and depth sensors and include a complete API known as OpenNI (open natural interaction). This creates a bridge to PrimeSense's NITE Middleware, which allows a vector skeleton to be overlaid on filmed persons, enabling real-time motion capture. It also includes recognition of hand gestures and voice commands and a 'scene analyser', which detects figures in the foreground and separates them from the background. As well as Kinect, OpenNI also supports other PrimeSense 3D cameras.
Philips USB Webcam Driver for Linux - Free Philips USB Webcam driver for Linux that supports VGA resolution, newer kernels and replacing the old pwcx module. This is a fork of the discontinuity pwc driver made by Nemosoft Unv. You don't need binary module with this driver, however decompression is supported for big resolution (640x480). The driver is designed for Linux 2.6, patches for 2.4 is not tested.
Philips Web Camera (PWC) Documentation Project - This is a web-based collaboration area for the next generation Philips Web Camera Linux Kernel Module. The is a "sister-site" to Luc Saillard's Philips USB Webcam Driver for Linux.
Linux OVCam Drivers - This is a set of drivers for the OmniVision OV5xx series of chips. These are USB-only video capture chips used in many "webcam" devices, and some TV-capture devices. Any camera using the OV511/OV511+/OV518 and the OV6620/OV6630/OV7610/OV7620/OV7620AE image sensor should work. OV518+ cameras have limited support too (should be fully supported soon). TV-capture devices with the SAA7111A decoder are supported as well. It supports streaming and capture of color or monochrome video via the Video4Linux API. Most V4L apps are compatible with it, and it supports most image widths and heights that are multiples of 8.
Linux Projects - OpenSource drivers for Winbond W99687CF JPEG Dual Mode Camera Chips connected to various image sensors; driver for SONiX SN9C10x PC Camera Controllers connected to various image sensors; driver for Etoms ET61X1251 PC Camera Controllers connected to various image sensors (available on request); driver for Z-Start/Vimicro ZC0301P Image Processors and Control Chips; drivers for Syntek USB2 DC1100 & DC1120 Video and Camera Controllers and the Syntek USB2 DC1125 Camera Controllers.
USBAT-02 CompactFlash reader - This page is about the Linux driver for the USB-connected devices that have the USBAT-02 processor from SCM Microsystems. The processor identifies itself with the numbers 0x04e6 and 0x1010).
Devices that are reported to work with the USBAT-02 processor are:
- The CompactFlash Reader that comes with the Kodak DC3800 digital photo camera
- Microtech Zio! CompactFlash reader (ICS-45 CF2)
- Kingston Technology PCREAD-USB/CF
- Delkin Efilm reader2
- RCA LYRA MP3 portable
- Dane-Elec Zmate CompactFlash reader
- Sandisk ImageMate SDDR-05b
- I-JAM JS-50U CompactFlash card reader (comes with I-Jam IJ-50 MP3 Player)
- Maxell UA4 Compact flash reader writer
- Memorex UCF-100
- Jessops CompactFlash reader (JESDCFRU BLACK)
Graphire USB - Peter Hofmann's modified Graphire USB Xinput driver for XFree86.
Linux Zydas 1201 (Sweex LC100020) Driver - This project is focused in distributing a Linux driver for the ZyDAS 1201 based USB 802.11b Network adapters. Such as the Sweex LC100020 sold by Sweex Essentials and others. Originaly sweex distributed a linux driver for its Wireless(802.11) USB adapters, but suddenly they retired their linux drivers from their support site, and according to their technical support linux was no longer supported for that product. The driver was a modification on the linux-wlan-ng driver developed by AbsoluteValue Systems.is a driver for the Zydas 1201 based USB 802.11b Network adaptars.
Digital Camera Support for UNIX, Linux and BSD - trys to explain how to find out if your camera may work or not under a UNIX system. This site includes a table summarize for digital cameras, how they are supported under UNIX operating systems.
Supported Cameras in gPhoto - On this page, you find a list of the supported camera models of the current release of gPhoto (=digital camera software applications for Unix-like systems. gPhoto2 is a free, redistributable, ready to use set of digital camera software applications for Unix-like systems). Support for additional cameras may be in the current libgphoto2 SVN trunk code. They will be added to the next release. If your camera is neither supported in the current release nor in current SVN trunk, it is possible that it is an old camera for which the original gPhoto driver has not been ported yet (mostly due to lack of demand) or it is a new camera for which there is no support at all.
Misc |
comp.os.linux.hardware - Description: "Hardware compatibility with the Linux operating system". Search the Usenet archiv of the Newsgroup comp.os.linux.hardware for helpful information with hardware problems and drivers. And at least if you can not find a solution there in the archiv, I recommend to post your question yourself with your favored newsreader.
de.comp.os.unix.linux.hardware - Diese Usenet/News Gruppe dient der Diskussion von Fragen zur Kompatibilitaet und Einbindung gewisser Hardwarekomponenten in eine Linux-Installation auf den verschiedenen Rechnerplattformen, fuer die Linux verfuegbar ist. Das Usenet ist wohl die Anlaufstelle bei speziellen Fragen zu Hardware mit Linux, wenn in den Weiten des WWW bisher keine Loesung gefunden werden konnte. FAQ der Gruppen der de.comp.os.unix.linux Hierarchie (dcoul).
Linux - Treiber / Hardware FAQ - der Community von den CHIP.de Linuxforen.
Linux Device Drivers, 2nd Edition - is an online book (part of "O'Reilly's Open Books Project") written by Alessandro Rubini & Jonathan Corbet. "This book will teach you how to write your own drivers and how to hack around in related parts of the kernel. ... This book cannot teach you about your device, but it will give you a handle on the background you need to make your device work".
Linux-Geraetetreiber, 2. Auflage - deutschsprachige Version des Online Buches von Alessandro Rubini & Jonathan Corbet. "Oberflaechlich betrachtet ist dieses Buch ein Buch ueber das Schreiben von Geraetetreibern fuer Linux-Systeme. ... Aber in diesem Buch geht es auch darum, wie der Linux-Kernel arbeitet und wie Sie sich das fuer Ihre Beduerfnisse und Interessen zunutze machen koennen".
Linux Device Drivers Demystified - This section tries to provide help on what devices are in the kernel and how to find out more about them.
Debian GNU/Linux device driver check page - This database verifies the PCI devices at this time (X drivers, ISA, USB, IEEE1394 or any other devices are out of its focus). Paste your result of 'lspci -n' taken from GNU/Linux OS (such as Debian, Knoppix, RedHat, and so on) to the box, then push 'Check' button.
VIA's Linux User Guides - offers documentations about drivers installation for the VIA Chipsets.
Linux nForce Driver - This page contains drivers and documentation for the nForce chipset. The chipset includes hardware support for IDE disk control, Ethernet networking, audio support, win modem support, and a USB controller. These packages have support for Ethernet networking and basic ACI audio. USB and IDE hardware will work with standard Linux drivers. There is no win modem support.
MUSCLE: Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment - provides smart card and cryptographic support. You'll find here applications, middleware and drivers to support a varity of smart card devices.
The Linux Wacom Project - manages the drivers, libraries, and documentation for configuring and running Wacom tablets under the Linux operating system. It contains diagnostic applications as well as updated kernel drivers and XFree86/Xorg XInput drivers.
APC UPS Daemon - Apcupsd can be used for power mangement and controlling most of APC's UPS models on Unix and Windows machines. Apcupsd works with most of APC's Smart-UPS models as well as most simple signalling models such a Back-UPS, and BackUPS-Office. During a power failure, apcupsd will inform the users about the power failure and that a shutdown may occur. If power is not restored, a system shutdown will follow when the battery is exhausted, a timeout (seconds) expires, or runtime expires based on internal APC calculations determined by power consumption rates.
Dandelion Digital's Linux DAC960 Page - Dandelion Digital's Linux DAC960 PCI raid controllers drivers. This version of the driver includes support for all the current Mylex PCI RAID controllers, including the eXtremeRAID 2000, eXtremeRAID 3000, AcceleRAID 352, AcceleRAID 170, and AcceleRAID 160, which have an entirely new firmware interface, as well as the older eXtremeRAID 1100 (DAC1164P), the AcceleRAID 150/200/250, and the DAC960PJ/PG/PU/PD/PL models. In addition, this release provides support for older DAC960PU/PD/PL/P models with firmware version 2.73. The driver release itself comprises source code and documentation only.
Promise - here you will find the latest software and documentation for your Promise product.
Bluetooth and Linux - BlueZ drivers and software for:
- Nokia Bluetooth Card DTL-1
- Anycom Bluetooth cards
- 3Com Bluetooth PCMCIA card
- Bluetooth cards with BCSP interface
- Bluetooth cards with UART interface
- OX16C950 UART Bluetooth cards
- AVM BlueFRITZ! USB Bluetooth driver for Linux
On this site you'll find many Bluetooth HOWTOs and information too.
BlueFritz! - (not only) Linux drivers for AVM's BlueFritz! products.
Bluetooth-alsa - Bluetooth audio for Linux. This project aims to make bluetooth headsets of all types work well with Linux computers, from a standard desktop to a limited embedded device. The most common use of bluetooth audio is to make a wireless connection to a cellphone. The advanced audio distribution profile, A2DP, provides the basis for high-fidelity audio.
OpenSync - is a PIM (Personal Information Management) data synchronization framework that consists of several plug-ins that can be used to connect to different devices and systems.
TCPA Device Driver for Linux - IBM's Global Security Analysis Lab (GSAL) has done extensive analysis of the Trusted Computing Platform Alliance (TCPA) chip available on some IBM systems. They have the chip running under Linux, and have studied it extensively. In order to clarify a lot of misunderstanding about the chip, they are making available some helpful white papers and open source device drivers for Linux, so that interested people can test and use the chip in an open environment.
WinDriver PCI for Linux - automates and simplifies the development of user mode Linux device drivers for PCI / CardBus / ISA / PMC / PCI-X and CompactPCI. No OS internals knowledge or kernel level programming required.
FCC ID Search - Nearly every piece of computer equipment has a FCC ID number, usually on the circuit board. If you are unable to determine the manufacture of a card then the FCC database will be able to help.
NTFS-3G Read/Write Driver - is a stable, read/write NTFS driver for Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenSolaris, QNX, Haiku, and other commercial operating systems. It provides safe handling of the Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows 2000, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 and Windows 7 NTFS file systems.